Original Post

20-11-2024 03:57
(Bangkok) Cbody - Pimmy - Cute and Very Young

Date & Time of Session:  Oct 31 around late night
Location:  At my room
Name:  Pimmy
Link: https://cbody.vip/index.html?v=20241018#/
Agent: Cbody
Nationality & Language: Thai, Kinda good english
Age: 21
Face: 7/10 Cute face but with a lot of blemishes
Body: 7/10
Height:  5'2"
Skill: 8/10
Service: 8/10
GFE: 8/10
Price & Session Length:  1500thb for massage + 2000 thb for HJ
Repeat: Yes, but only if she offers FS

With my earlier episode of Cbody with QingQing, I was sure to try some other girls from Cbody. You can read my other report here - https://forum.141-161.com/viewth ... &extra=page%3D1

Booked Pimmy and she was quick to arrive, she came wearinga dress, looked tiny but cute. Had a lot of blemishes on her face which was kinda off putting but, her tiny structure kinda attracted me.

Into the room, showered and laid down for the massage. I'd give her good scores for the massage, it was good, she used her entire body to massage me and did relief me of my pain.
Now, she did have some smooth skin, so I used my hands to occaisonally feel her legs up, so she made me turn around and looked at my LB. She proclaimed no sex..lol looking at the size. I was kinda sad but I did want her to be naked.
So agreed on HJ as she had a small mouth for BJ as well. She gets naked and she did have a tiny frame, small boobs..like small b cup, cute little ass and a tiny fucking pussy.
Almost the size of a smalll girl.. lol. She was enthusiastic for the bj, and did welll to make me shoot .

She was worth the money for sure.

JackTheBat 20-11-2024 07:30 Karma +13
roninaaa 20-11-2024 17:01 Karma +3
Jjaa123 20-11-2024 18:49 Karma +4
Vuka 21-11-2024 00:20 Karma +5 Usually they charge 1000 for that "extra" FYI
samboitee 21-11-2024 00:49 Karma +4
obe 21-11-2024 20:13 Karma +10
liveabroad9 22-11-2024 09:16 Karma +4 If I understood, I think you paid too much for just a HJ. But I'm sure getting her naked was hot in the moment.
Jmw 23-11-2024 18:30 Acceptance +1

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