Original Post

19-11-2024 23:23
(TST) K12fanclub - Police Raid

I was scheduled to see Ex at 4:30 today but never got to see her because the police were raiding the place when I got there.

I got into the lift and as luck would have it there was a brother who was  also going to K12 when we stepped out of the lift we heard loud banging inside of the shop. We were confused and didn’t know what to do and waited for a few minutes until a shop owner from one of the lower floors came up to see what’s with all the noise. At that moment a middle aged man popped his head out from behind the door and asked us what we were doing. The brother and his quick reaction saved our asses, he told him we were passing by when stopped to see what all the noise was about, the shop owner agreed and then asked him what he was doing. The guy claimed to be police conducting official business and went back inside.

After hearing that the shopper owner, brother and I left, the two of us letting out a sigh of relief when we got to the ground floor and congratulated each other on the bullet we both dodged and went our separate ways

arandom 20-11-2024 15:02 Acceptance +2 What happens if you actually got caught while inside?
asianfetish 20-11-2024 15:16 Acceptance +6
slickric423 21-11-2024 03:47 Acceptance +6 i went there once and just knew a raid was bound to happen, zero verification and you let yourself in
HK_Legend 21-11-2024 10:28 Acceptance +10 Logical result of 1) Oversupply + 2) Sloppiness. Good news for others.

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