Original Post

19-11-2024 11:56
M2 Spa Tiphany

Name: Tiphany
Date of Session: 15 November 2024
Location: M2 Spa 5-11 Thomson road Wanchai.
Nationality & Language: Mainland Chinese (limited English)
Age: 24
Face: 5/5
Body: 4/5
Skill & Service: 6/5
Price & Session Length: HKD 2200 + tip – 90mn
Repeat: Yes 100%

Wife was away from Hong Kong and my kid were at school, so it was a good time to play my favorite hobby
After reading reviews on M2 SPA in Wanchai, which mention comfortable rooms and attractive girls, I have decided to give it a go.
I contacted their Telegram group to inquire about the girl's availability, and they informed me that I am free to choose the girl when I will be in the shop.
I like mongering before lunch time because is more enjoyable in my point of view , girls are still fresh and untired, so I went to the spa at 11am.
The building can be found easily, just 5 minutes from MTR station, and it seems to be a commercial building with offices inside, I suppose. The location is great.
After taking the lift, I ring the doorbell. A pretty girl wearing a blue marine uniform with a short skirt opens the door and invites me to enter in the massage room.
The room was pleasant, with a massage bed and a shower in the corner. The cleanliness and organization of everything was excellent. A few seconds later, the girl who was wearing the uniform and three other girls returned and asked me to select one of them. Difficult choice but I selected the girl who opened the door for me even though they were all pretty and dressed sexily… It was a wise decision.
Taking a shower by myself and lying on the massage bed.
Typhany uses her phone to show me what on the menu and how much it will cost because she doesn't speak English very well. I took 90 Minutes B to B massage plus BJ who will cost me HKD1400.

Part 1 of the massage was average, with a towel on my back and her wearing a uniform. Even though she's not a professional massage therapist, she still manages to make me feel comfortable and relaxed enough.
She removed the towel from my back, and she undressed and sit on a massage table between my legs. She begins to apply oil to my back and gradually rubs her soft hands on it. Soon thereafter, she begins to tease my balls from behind, and it was nice and soft.
After almost 10mn of grabbing my cock and balls from the back she asks me to turn back.

Part 2 started with Tiphany naked sitting between my legs offer me a nice view of her young body. She's really cute with small breasts and nice nipples.
She started to give me a light kiss on my face who turned into DFK quickly. After 15 months of GF experience, she start to offer me service upgrade.
We agree for HKD 2200. It's possible that it was one of the best deals in my naughty life.
I won't go into detail about what happened after that, but it was incredible. Probably the best experience I've ever had as a monger in Hong Kong.
Her softness, cuteness, ability to make you comfortable, and hunger for pleasure make her irresistible.
Within an hour, she makes me fall in love with her. It was a really true GF experience.

At the end of the session, we lie down on the bed and tenderly kiss each other, feeling exhausted but happy like a longtime lover.
She helps me dress up and I give her tip.
Guys treat her with kindness and respect. SHE IS A GODESS.

Rhinomonkey 19-11-2024 12:18 Acceptance +1
zbmthethird 19-11-2024 14:18 Karma +2
myketin 19-11-2024 15:33 Karma +3
dienw 19-11-2024 16:19 Karma +3 Lol! And your wife?

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