[Tokyo] Jan-Jan Sugamo : Yuu & Ami: Mechanical vs Auditory Voyerism
Date: November 2024
Location: Pink Salon: Jan-Jan (Sugamo)
Agent: https://janjan-sugamo.com
Name: Yuu & Ami
Nationality and language: Japanese
Face: Yuu 5/10 Ami 6/10
Body: Yuu 5/10 Ami 5/10
Service - Yuu 2/10 Ami 6/10
Cost: 4000 Yen
Would I Repeat: Yuu: NOPE Run! Ami: Probably
So in this episode of BJ Roulette I present to you two seperate days but at almost the same time on those 2 days so just go with it and read on.
One of my friends was visiting Tokyo for some work, and while we were looking for Good arcades in Akiba (note: there are none left bud! They are GONE!) I explained to my buddy that Sugamo is where there are multiple forigner friendly Pink salons, what a pink salon was, and also that there was amazing fresh Dorayaki there too. He was immediately down to go since he had only ever really seen the maid cafe girls in Akiba and didn't think he had any p4p options in Tokyo (he's from Spain and speaks about 5 words in japanese). I also told him about Soaps but he quickly said "BJ's aren't cheating their just a mouth massage", so off we went! The price point he couldn't believe either and the fresh dorayaki didn't hurt.
So after a quick ride on the Yamamote were in Sugamo and walking towards BJ Alley. We both get a chill and need to duck into the Bandai Namco arcade to have a slash. This is also a better arcade than anything in Akiba, more on that later.
After getting my friend setup, he's taken to booth 3 while I wait for the tencho to take me to my seat in booth 7. Over the announcement system I hear booth 3 get called but can't make out the name, then I hear both 7 get called for Yuu and she arrives to me shortly after.
Yuu is a tall lanky girl, some would probably call attractive but she is quite bony and angular to me and just not my type. She launches into the usual scrip and quickly asses my J lang skill. After a minute she starts just going off about japanese baseball and then basketball players, and well she really wants to rattle off her knowledge of all the recent ones. I want her to be comfortable so I just go with it for a minute or two then subtly remind her what I came to Jan-Jan for. She giggles a little which was sweet, ties her hair back, slips her panties & bra off in a quick practiced motion then climbs on the bench on her knees and buries her face in my crotch. The first 10 seconds or so are great, but then she gets into an extremely mechanical up and down head bob that involves her thin lips, hand, and no suction or tonge. In short, it's the most mechanical and passionless bj I've had in a very long time . She is also positioned in an odd way that I can | |