Original Post

15-11-2024 18:22
Cantonese Sex Slang Translations

As an English speaker, and using TG, I do not want to constantly ask the TG organizer what do all the slangs mean.

Some I kind of get, like 環保 = environmentally friendly (meaning bbbj).

But what do these other stuff mean? The google translate gives me these:

大小車? Big, small car?
水中簫 = water flute?
沉船系列 = sunken ship?
翘臀任摷晤格手 = hips and ass?
夾腸 = clamp intestines?

無套中出 & 無套內射 = both are creampie?

口爆 = I assume this is cim?

Hope someone can clarify them for me, and also add some other canto slang that I might see in these TG groups.

Much appreciated brothers.

[ Last edited by  Susanlixxx at 18-11-2024 22:03 ]

snowxhell 25-12-2024 01:41 Acceptance +1

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