Original Post

13-11-2024 17:27
Wish - Daisy (skinny tall cute girl)

Date: 13 November 2024
Name: Daisy
Spa: Wish
Location: Central
Girl: Chinese from Shenzhen
English: none whatsoever, except she said she’s 21 years old (believable)
Face: super cute in my book. 4/5
Body: 4/5 very good - tall, skinny, A cup.
Service: great massage. P2 ok but not amazing
Wir: yes, to try to unlock more

Really pretty girl - face and body (if you like very slim girls).
The picture is exactly her body and you see a bit of her face too.

strong p1 massage, almost like a sports massage. With a sheet and she went for all the pressure points first with her hands, then elbows and lastly with her knees sitting on me. I suspect she has worked in a proper massage place before.

A bit inexperienced in p2,  but she’s so cute that it was still super enjoyable. Was basically nuru sliding followed by handjob. I don’t push for Blowjob but she didn’t offer either. The language barrier made it hard.

One of the best looking spinners I’ve seen at wish so that’s her key selling point.

Enjoy brothers

dienw 13-11-2024 17:42 Karma +3
Jjaa123 13-11-2024 18:58 Karma +4
hkfooey 13-11-2024 20:22 Karma +5 Super cute
Jeremyboote 14-11-2024 14:27 Acceptance +1 Excellent
BrownNuts 14-11-2024 17:27 Karma +4 damn! she is hot!!
boscitc 14-11-2024 20:46 Karma +10 Excellent
myketin 14-11-2024 23:18 Karma +2
sogetthis 18-11-2024 17:43 Karma +3 Excellent
Leg_o_man 21-11-2024 00:49 Karma +4 Thanks

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