Original Post

3-11-2024 22:58
[Manila / Philippines] Serene Sanctuary - Paris (Kelly)

Date & Time of Session: November 3, 2024
Location/Agent: Serene Sanctuary (+639104624040)
Nationality & Language: Filipino
Age: Early 30s
Height: ?
Face: 4/5 (?)
Body: 4/5 (?)
Skill: 3.5/5
Service: 5/5
Price & Session Length: PHP 900 + PHP 2,000 in tips
Repeat: Hell yeah

Referencing a few of the previous reviews of Kelly here:
https://forum.141-161.com/viewth ... amp;highlight=kelly
https://forum.141-161.com/viewth ... amp;highlight=kelly

Right, so Kemosabe has officially reopned as Serene Sanctuary. In terms of amenities, ambience, and quality of experience, the place has been pretty well-maintained. The girls have been mostly retained albeit with fresh faces added (will try them out when I can).

I've been a patron of the place for seven years now, and for that entire span I've never gotten my hands on Kelly (For continuity purposes I'll refer to her as Kelly). I've always either cancelled or changed to a different therapist. Today, I made sure to give this legend a try, because everyone who's ever been to Kemosabe has had a Kelly experience except for me.

Attitude-wise, she's as hospitable as Kemosabe girls go. Accomodating, soft-spoken, and all-smiles is how I would describe her personality. Although she was a little late after accommodating a drunk client, she still did her best to make it up to me. Her massage is a bit on the meh side compared to everyone else in the lineup to be honest. There's a lack of intricateness with the fingers that I find with other therapists. But, she does give the effort well and she knows which buttons to mash in my back so it's not all bad.

The E.S. is where she truly TRULY shines. All along the massage she teased me about how she would make it up to me after making me wait. She's very good with the words in a way that it would keep me aroused despite feeling sleepy from all of the massaging. Of all the Kemosabe therapists, she's probably the most liberal when it comes to teasing your crack and bals when it comes to the legs part. She's ALSO the only one (as of the current lineup) to do actual linggam on you from crack to tip, which I liberally got from her once she initiated the E.S.

I know for a fact that Kemo girls don't usually do prostate but she really took the extra mile to do it just a teensy teensy bit. While she didn't stick a finger in (which I'm glad she didn't if she doesn't have the experience for it), the caressing and fondling of my nether regions was enough to get me rock hard. Couple this lovely eagerness with the loveliness of her huge knockers, and you are basically in heaven. After she teased her erect nipples on my back while she did her thing with the linggam, I couldn't have flipped faster for the B2B HJ part.

Kelly is a MILF but goddamn you wouldn't even notice. Her curves and handles are in the EXACT right places. Wide hips, tight ass, and a massive pair of milkers. She really lets you take your time in sucking those things while she pleasures every part of your LB. Just a very patient gal with her soft moans and gentle hands. Even with the standard nipple lick, she took the extra mile of biting them (a kink of mine) which got me reeling even more. Once I came I really found the serene sanctuary I was looking for.

Overall, my only regret was not trying her out sooner, because if this is how scrumptious her body is right now, I wonder how she looked during all those times I missed booking her five or six years ago.

Jjaa123 4-11-2024 02:21 Karma +4
johnwicked0413 4-11-2024 09:42 Karma +4
Marumaredo 5-11-2024 04:11 Acceptance +1
dragon16 5-11-2024 10:32 Acceptance +1
Aizen92 6-11-2024 16:54 Acceptance +1
Johaan 9-11-2024 19:22 Karma +3

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