Original Post

2-11-2024 15:57
(Actual) BEST FUCK in HK

Date & Time of Session: 1st November
Location: 602F, TST/JSL. James S. Lee Mansion, Carnarvon Road 33-35, Tsim Sha Tsui.
Name: Kae
Nationality & Language: Vietnamese? Russian? Unsure. Spoke decent English.
Age: 22(?)
Face: 10/10
Body: 10/10
Height: 5"4
Skill: 10/10
Service: 10/10
GFE: 10/10
PSE: 10/10
Price & Session Length: 30m, 600.
Repeat: Every day for the rest of my life.

Was in Hong Kong on an overnight layover and decided to wander down to JSL. Mostly Chinese on floors 7 and 8 from what I saw, nothing catching my eye.

All that changed when I knocked on 602F, I felt like my pants almost tore as she opened the door. Long bleach blonde hair, juicy red lips, big round titties, tiny little waist, big booty.. Tasteful tattoos, tight midsection.. It felt like Avril Lavigne had opened the door for me, her big eyes looking up at me just begging to be fucked. I could not believe my luck, this had to be THE hottest girl I've ever seen in a Walk-up. I walked inside without even asking what the price was.

What followed was potentially the best sex of my life. She immediately took to her knees and slammed my stiffening cock straight down her throat. I must have been her first customer because I literally could not keep her off my dick, she milked 2 loads out of me in the first 20 minutes. The entire time I was in that room, if my cock wasn't inside her then it was in her mouth. She looked great from every angle, her whole body was tight and toned and she fucked like a demon.

She told me it was her first time in Hong Kong, so I don't know how long she'll be able to keep up those kinds of performances. I'm of half a mind to get back on a plane to Hong Kong and ask her to be my wife, because I haven't been able to stop re-living the experience in my head.

Picture is one she sent me on LINE. Enjoy and treat her well!

Jjaa123 2-11-2024 18:35 Karma +4
rick_lee_dover 2-11-2024 20:41 Acceptance +1 Excellent
shammy12 2-11-2024 22:55 Karma +3
americafirst141 3-11-2024 00:20 Karma +7
austin821 3-11-2024 03:58 Karma +8
Dutchy12 3-11-2024 10:21 Karma +5 Thanks! Would it be possible to share her LINE?
Sigh10 3-11-2024 11:51 Karma +3 She sounds great! Do you mind sharing her line? :)
Leftleg28 4-11-2024 00:23 Karma +4
amping 4-11-2024 01:00 Karma +3 Thanks for the review, pls share me the Line if you don’t mind.
perriersons08 4-11-2024 01:29 Karma +10 How long will she stay bro do you know
samtehram 4-11-2024 08:26 Acceptance +1 Nice, will have to try visit
Airwlk9 4-11-2024 13:52 Acceptance +1
mellow3029 4-11-2024 15:55 Acceptance +1
firsttimelong 4-11-2024 23:08 Karma +1 any chance you can PM me photo? I'm only 20 RA :(
Hobbier 5-11-2024 23:33 Karma +4
torque 6-11-2024 01:48 Karma +4
User171717 6-11-2024 14:34 Acceptance +1 Any chance u can Pm me her photo?
clownpocket 7-11-2024 16:16 Acceptance +1
HarryPunter 9-11-2024 18:15 Acceptance +1 nice
quoththeraver 10-11-2024 11:06 Karma +3
demo1596 10-11-2024 20:54 Acceptance +1
Jjackson 11-11-2024 00:23 Karma +3
myketin 11-11-2024 21:56 Karma +3
otkmnl88 13-11-2024 10:25 Acceptance +1
paris5e 13-11-2024 13:32 Karma +2 Thanks for the tip!
Eliperc 14-11-2024 10:32 Karma +3
anywhichway222 16-11-2024 16:04 Karma +3 Wow!
miketk 16-11-2024 22:25 Karma +4 Nice amazing hot body!
Candy_bar 19-11-2024 07:38 Karma +5 Any chance to PM her line?
Vcdvcd 26-11-2024 21:40 Acceptance +1 nice

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