Original Post

26-10-2024 08:52
7 heaven - bj bar

Visited 7-Heaven BJ Bar for the first time today. I've always wanted to try this place and now I'm glad I did. The shop is located in the first alley to the right off Sukhumvit 33. There is another place almost directly across the street where the girls sit outside. I think it's worth checking out as several girls looked very nice. Full service is not allowed at 7-Heaven. Pricing is B1,300 for BJ and B1,000 for HJ. You pick the girl from her pics on a tablet. I chose a slim dark haired girl. When I met her in person she looked nothing like her tablet pic. The good news is she looked younger in person. She had gained a few pounds but only a few I swear. Overall I would say she was very good looking. She did a thorough clean up of me at the sink, removed her top, placed me on the bed, and gave an excellent BJ with a lot of eye contact. I had her stop for a few seconds in the middle because I wasn't going to last too long. After the deed was done she gave me a nice, skillful massage.

While there I saw 2 other girls who were also good looking. I could have selected either of them. I would definitely recommend 7 Heaven if you're in the mood for a BJ bar. It's definitely a step above Wood Bar, Lolita, etc. It's pricey for a BJ bar but worth it due to the service and looks of the girls.

dundu 26-10-2024 09:35 Karma +2
snowxhell 26-10-2024 09:35 Acceptance +1
Vuka 26-10-2024 13:22 Karma +2
MrFrosty 26-10-2024 17:36 Acceptance +1
Romeo61 26-10-2024 19:54 Karma +4 Have to agree. Also got great and friendly service last month
JackTheBat 27-10-2024 07:06 Karma +13
15633381 29-10-2024 23:00 Karma +3
Zroadster 20-11-2024 13:40 Acceptance +1 How are we supposed to know where in the world this even is? You forgot your header…
Skepti10 21-11-2024 02:01 Karma +5

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