Original Post

23-10-2024 06:05
[HK] K2/Mia - Molly (Disappointing experience)

Location:  Central
Name: Molly
Nationality: Chinese
Language: Mandarin (did not try Cantonese)
Price: 1100
Age: Late 30s, or 40s
Face: 3/5
Body: 2.5/5
Skill: 3/5
GFE: 2/5
Repeat: No.

I do not like to leave negative reviews although I will prioritise being upfront about my own experience.  I have seen the many reviews of Molly, but thought to chime in with my own thoughts although as usual YMMV.

Molly is not unpleasant looking, but I was thrown off by the Telegram photos which did not bear much resemblance. She was older and more tired-looking. She was on the older side. I also found her body not that great - Ribcage was a little too jarring if you know what I mean.

She was also not talkative or enthusiastic during the session - felt like she was just going through the motions. While I must highlight that she remained professional throughout and gave a great P1 massage, I just did not feel it much during the P2 for the above reasons. This was my first time with her - doubt I will repeat.

My two cents - hope your experience with her will be different!

firsttimelong 23-10-2024 07:26 Karma +1 thxs for info
kcy742 23-10-2024 12:51 Acceptance +1
dienw 23-10-2024 19:16 Karma +3 Caught her on an off day. I have had stunning sessions with M, she's very hot, but no FS
WubaLubaDubDub 24-10-2024 03:46 Acceptance +1
Sandwhale 24-10-2024 18:49 Karma +5 I've never had a disappointing experience with her but she might have been tired, she's been there for a while

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