Original Post

2-10-2024 12:45

I am very much exactly the same way, other than repeating at storefronts a long time ago, I have never repeated in the past 15 years or so.

The main thing for me is that I only monger roughly once a month so there is almost always someone new or someone coming back that I have yet to get to.  I am sure that if I went like twice a month, I would probably have more reason to repeat simply because there might not be enough untasted talent that I have not already tried.  The other thing is that half of my sessions are rather unmemorable so I would not really want to repeat.  The main reason though is that I like the thrill of the hunt to try something new even knowing that it might not amount to an amazing session.

Bottom line, it is your money so if you are always chasing that high of finding something better, than do it!  No right or wrong way to hobby as long as you enjoy it!

qblast1 2-10-2024 19:24 Acceptance +3 Here it's massage parlors that are quickly accessable. I have a few go to spots but still always contemplate going some ...
shyguy8888 3-10-2024 12:12 Acceptance +2

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