Original Post

1-10-2024 07:54

Link: https://casanova-soapland.com/moe-kashiwagi/
Sizes: T163 B87(D) W55 H89

TYVM for the Yoshiwara soapland report, they're at the top of my TDL, been doing research on them whenever they come up.

She's cute. You got one of their poster girls and she was nominated into 2024 Miss Heaven for the Looks category.

You only got 55,000 for 50 minutes...? Either they fleeced you 30min or you misremembered. The pricing on the site is:

80min 50,000yen
100min 77,000yen
130min 80,000yen

There was time for bathing, mat play, and FS so sounds like 80min... upon further inspection, they unfortunately significantly upcharge foreigners. The normal pricing for Japanese is:

80min 27,000yen
100min 38,000yen
130min 43,000yen
30min extensions 12,000yen

They also have discounts for booking new girls and morning slots, ~35,000yen for 100min and ~38,000yen for 130min.

Attached some photos for future reference.

[ Last edited by  sonorance at 30-9-2024 17:13 ]

FrancoisLegrand 1-10-2024 08:49 Karma +2
Jjaa123 2-10-2024 06:22 Karma +4
blujin 2-10-2024 20:37 Acceptance +1
gg1234 8-10-2024 16:05 Karma +3
cdude0475 11-10-2024 00:58 Acceptance +1
Esp88 13-10-2024 22:30 Acceptance +1

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