Original Post

26-9-2024 22:05
[Philippines] [Quezon City] Akane of HPS

Location: Quezon City - outcall  
Name: Akane of Hps
Contact:  telegram @akane12345
Nationality: Filipino


Ease of Booking: 7/10. She is very attentive. She reviews my previous transactions upto date which makes easier to do business with. This transaction took weeks to finalize this.

Face Value: 10/10  she looks very chinita. Fair and blushy. Ang ganda nya grabe. Kakagigil kaya I tried to behave with my best abilities as a gentleman

Body Figure : 8/10 she's petite, has curves and proportional with her build. Her skin is soo smooth all over literally.

Attitude: Not sure on this, she looks innocent and shy at first, wait when the lights are out. Give her time to adjust. She's really nice with her smile.

Massage Value: none busy with foreplay.

Pleasure Impact: 11/10 Now, this is an experience in a different level. She has complete kit. She required me to prepare using her Kit. After I came out from the bathroom. The room turned to dark red settings with the you tube tv on with seductive music. I was not totally prepared yet, but manoy is super ready. Hahah. She let me lie down, and prepared a dance for me. I can see her curves and her nipples as silhouette. She rubbed on me, then went down on me while her eyes locked on me.

Value for Money: 10/10. 5500 php package

Now I realize, "Akane" must be a japanese priestess and performs with a ritual. And her ritual has a process. I had a different sensation that led me to a holisitc relaxation. I thought she was the offering, it turns out I am the offering and took all of my energy as I did the deed!   

I highly recommended her and it was really nice having her.

[ Last edited by  pppppp at 27-9-2024 04:05 ]

Jjaa123 26-9-2024 22:52 Karma +4
Coast88 26-9-2024 23:11 Karma +2
saunaman 27-9-2024 00:06 Karma +3
Leftleg28 27-9-2024 01:43 Karma +4 Cute.
Shadwell 27-9-2024 07:57 Acceptance +1
gg1234 27-9-2024 10:42 Karma +4
JSH0073R 28-9-2024 22:14 Karma +5 You should probably set all your reports to min read access 10.
Stonks 17-11-2024 06:49 Acceptance +1

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