Original Post

26-9-2024 08:23
[Bangkok] A beautiful day

Date & Time of Session: September 2024
Location: A beautiful Day
Link: https://bkk-beautifulday.com/
Cast: https://bkk-beautifulday.com/cast (pwd akagi)

Since I was in the area, I walked in A beautiful day spa which opened up about 3 months ago. There was no one at the reception and anywhere that I could see. I made some sound and said hello, still not a soul for a good 5 min   

Then a girl came in looking like your typical cannabis seller with tattoos and piercings, a bit strange in a place selling itself as upscale. Then I enquired about who is available now and she shows me 5 girls on their today cast page (pwd akagi). She then said it would take minimum 20 min for any of them to come as they are not at the shop, but at Doki Doki   

Already decided to leave, but asked about picture accuracy and she freely admitted that girls look about 7/10 what I could see, except for one. Well, that's it for me, I got enough red flags I saw the other report here about the place, maybe somebody else will have better luck.

[ Last edited by  morane at 26-9-2024 08:25 ]

Bangkokbob 26-9-2024 11:06 Karma +3 Thanks for the intel on a new place and for a great report
Laszlo 26-9-2024 12:06 Karma +4 Thanks for the intel
Pefri 26-9-2024 13:50 Karma +2
kukooo 26-9-2024 14:23 Karma +5 I did tell everyone that this is a sister shop of Doki Doki when they opened
Vuka 26-9-2024 15:30 Karma +5 Sounds like a waste of time unless you book someone in advance
infamous-error 26-9-2024 16:30 Karma +1 Line up seems good but must be an offshoot for something.
marklee1002 27-9-2024 16:59 Acceptance +3

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