Original Post

8-9-2024 05:47

Weird, true and bizzare

This is another experience I had. Found a girl on pinalove (she was 21 ish). She was open to meeting me. She asked whether I was open to her friend. Asked her to share the pic. Her friend was less than a 4 and above 30. I politely declined.

We met for dinner at Al Tarboush. The idea was to bar hop with her a bit and take her to my room. It was rainy evening and I paid for her bike ride. She felt cold and asked me to be cozy with her. She didn't like the middle eastern food and wanted burgers and shake. Ordered them. She was cold and felt stuck up. I asked her what the issue was. She mentioned that she is not interested in all this and wants to go back to her home town. BTW, this girl was wonderful to look, and well dressed with minimal makeup. I could see that she had good rack, with no bra (just a nipple cover). She mentioned her friend fooled her into coming to Makati. She was not a ho and did not want to be one. She mentioned that she did not want to sell her body! I almost fell of my chair. I asked her whether she wanted to leave. She was okay giving me company and make me happy since I had spent time and money to get her to Makati.

She was open going to a bar. We want into a bar, and ordered a SML. After a couple of sips, she mentioned that her friend is waiting for her. When I quizzed her further, it was apparent that she was a front for her friend. Take her and her friend along. Buy them food and drinks. In the room only her friend is active and she helps along. She is not interested in sex with strangers. Her job is to help her friend get clients; her friend takes care of her food and stay.

I gave her 500 pesos and asked her to leave. I did not want to do anything with her. It was bizzare.

Kaikik45 8-9-2024 06:50 Karma +3
adrenal 8-9-2024 11:33 Karma +5 innovative
Jjaa123 8-9-2024 12:38 Karma +4
animalstyle211 8-9-2024 22:34 Acceptance +1 What do you say to these girls? Every girl I talk to on PinaLove is so dry and boring

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