Original Post

6-9-2024 01:40

Date & Time of Session: 04 Sep 2024
Location:  Hotel at North Point
Name: Emma
Agent: MMN (meet men north)
Nationality & Language: Taiwanese, English, Mandarin
Age: late 20s (my guess)
Face: 3/5 (like photo but a little older)
Body: 4/5
Height: 155 cm maybe, short to me
Skill: 4/5 for the bbbj
Service: 2/5 - story below
GFE: 2/5
Price & Session Length:  600 no tip (because she had no change)
Repeat: No

I believe many might have been converted/conned by the nice advertisement the agent runs on the TG channel, nice screenshot comments, well taken photographs. And seemingly solid booking, less slots available.

So when I ask agent who's available at 23:30, she was, I took the opportunity.

Walked in and was greeted by a nice chit chat. Said she didnt drink (I brought beers) and she said she wont sit next to me to maintain eye contact across (red flag)? She does not sound like a native English speaker, although fluent than most. Asked how's my day (which was not so good) and even offered some advice... I think listening is a good thing, but I maybe draw the line at getting advice...

Anyways I got a hurry up to shower and do the deed because there is a customer coming after me, and I think was the last. She does the usual compliment of the size although I think thats part of the sales pitch all the time. BBBJ is actually good, I enjoyed myself but she said no to 69 or DATY as she was 'sensitive'?

Proceed to ride a rather long cowgirl, which I couldn't touch her LS but could grope her tits and her ass a little. She has huge bolt ons, that does look like it needs a little touch up. Then we go into doggy. This is where it all goes a little too weird for me.
I tried to grab her hair bun and suddenly she screamed and said she is not into rough sex and may she get some respect, and she's not that kind of girl. I got a little stunned, and hey, many rules here... but a little hair grabbing and messy hair is off the cards?

Then her little moans sounds so fake... and when I finished, she did a little wriggle / shiver that looks fake too.

So my take is this. She is pleasant, seemingly nice conversationalist, has a cute face that most will like... but you got to play by her rules and her rules only. Hey, I could be the person who's wrong. Your mileage may vary.

[ Last edited by  sexyloser at 17-9-2024 21:05 ]

boscitc 6-9-2024 08:32 Karma +10 MMN keeps having sub-par service girls...I avoid now
Guys_My_Age 6-9-2024 08:47 Karma +1 Avoid MMN
Dukelok 6-9-2024 09:44 Karma +3
americafirst141 6-9-2024 11:24 Karma +7
clampbottom 6-9-2024 12:35 Karma +4 She looks a bit weird in the pic, especially her eyes.
Aceventura69 6-9-2024 13:16 Acceptance +1
Skepti10 6-9-2024 13:31 Karma +8
Leftleg28 6-9-2024 13:48 Karma +4
Jjaa123 6-9-2024 18:10 Karma +4
shyguy8888 6-9-2024 18:16 Karma +2
Austinmac00 8-9-2024 04:06 Acceptance +1
abergi66 8-9-2024 23:12 Acceptance +1 Funny view :-)
antkarcher 9-9-2024 14:39 Acceptance +1
Inflames 13-9-2024 08:39 Acceptance +1
sexyloser 18-9-2024 12:05 Karma -1 Plz follow photo posting rules. Face w/o Nudity = RA30.

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