Original Post

5-9-2024 14:06

Wow what a world of wind tour you've been taking.  Goldentime Linz sister of legendary Goldentime Vienna.  Again really unfortunate it's been a slew of bad punts.  Also all your punts have been Ro girls as well.  Has there been any variety in those other clubs?  Hungarian, Moldovan, Bulgarian.. etc?

In Salzburg there's Römerbad FKK, it's on the east edge of the city in the hills, a local club abeit with great reviews.  It's just minutes from the center.  When I was in Salzburg about a year ago, I had a car but I didn't go to FKK Mystic nor did I go to Römerbad.  It's unfortunate that FKK Mystic is no longer in business.  For the Germans living east of Munich, FKK Mystic is the closest action you can find just over the Austrian border.

What I did do, using Salzburg as a base was to explore the Salzkamergut region just outside of Salzburg for 2 or 3 days. Absolutely beautiful lakes and mountains and quaint towns.

So just in case if you're heading back to Frankfurt at some point, stop by Mainhattan and see the identical twins Madelina and Emily!


Cheers and good hunting.  Can't wait to see where you're going next.

[ Last edited by  TedKoppel at 5-9-2024 00:57 ]

wontonton 5-9-2024 18:09 Acceptance +1

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