Original Post

4-9-2024 15:41
Reply #1 yaoz11's post

I get the sense you are defending her lacklustre performance for some unknown reason.  You compensated her for a 2.5 hour session but in reality only go the equivalent of less than 1 hour of service.  

I don’t believe seeing her at noon had anything to do with her poor performance.  Let’s keep this vanilla, you and the girl entered into a contractual agreement.  This is after all a business;  you are paying a lot of money in an agreement the girl services you to a standard that you are accustomed too from preveous experiences.  She failed to live up to that agreement. No excuses.

For most of us and I would like to think you also, pay with our hard earned money, and as such we don’t want to be taken as fools.  

Not sure if complaining to management will get you anywhere, but they should be aware of poor service.

nopoetssociety 4-9-2024 15:55 Karma +3 I cannot agree more with you man!
shygai88 4-9-2024 16:44 Acceptance +2 Ahem to that!
sevolute2 4-9-2024 20:24 Karma +3 Well said! Sick of bros making excuses for these girls who are flat out lazy and unprofessional
FrancoisLegrand 6-9-2024 03:15 Karma +3

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