Original Post

21-8-2024 17:42
[Sydney] Mistques - Blonde with a great smile

Time of Session: May 2024
Location: Newtown, Sydney
Nationality & Language: English
Name: no idea
Link: https://www.mistiquessydney.com.au/
Age: Early 20s
Face: 8/10
Body: 8/10
Skill: 7/10
Service: 9/10
GFE: 7/10
Price & Session Length: AUD$200
Repeat: Maybe, will try others

Was traveling for work and looked up a spot nearby where we had dinner. Found this place, which also had backdoor discreet access before a certain time. I arrived at the venue without booking. The whole place looked like a night club with lots of blue light. Very dystopian and cyber punk.

The manager came out and brought the line up for me to chose from. There was a seriously wide range for girls, some a crack addict looking girl to sporty tight South American. I chose the one caught my eye with blonde hair in a red outfit and a great smile.

She brought me to a room full of mirror. I showered alone and lay onto of the massage table. It was funny that the massage table was a milking table like I saw from porn movies. She was an aussie and we had a easy convo in english. She had a great attitude and we communicated well.

On the flip, she took off her out fit and had a decent bod, with strong GND vibes. MCOT. She gave me some small kisses and played with my nipples, while giving me good attention to my LB. She then offered me FS for A$90. I was having a good time and was happy with the HJ so I turn it down. Didn't take very long for me to shoot my load.

The whole mirror and night club lighting was a bit surreal for me. The girl I picked was quite nice and friendly, lucky for me. Above average experience for me. Will try others first before going back, if I were back in town.

bigchingus 21-8-2024 22:37 Karma +3
Kaikik45 23-8-2024 09:06 Karma +3
Skepti10 23-8-2024 13:00 Karma +4

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