Original Post

21-8-2024 17:23
Wish Spa Wendy

Date & Time of Session:  July 2024
Location:  Wish Spa
Name:  Wendy, but got B&S, didn't catch their name
TG: wishwishspa
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Mandarin
Age: early to mid 30’s
Face:  3/5
Body: 3/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  $1900 for 1 hour, read more below
Repeat: meh, maybe try again later

Looked up wish after reading the reviews. TG pics look hot. Made contact with their CG via TG, and made a booking with Wendy. I was given the location and made my way there.

When I got there, I was told that Wendy was late, and so I went to shower and waited. After 10 mins later, Wendy was still not there. I was told that I have to wait another 15 mins, or she could give me a four hands with the 2 girls that they have right there with a discount. The girls like fine, not quite on par with the pictures (of course) with smaller boobs, but I was fucking horny and just took it.

P1 was fine, not the best massage but was ok. A little bit of teasing here and there. Much more PSE than usual, probably due to 4 hands. I was like fuck it so flipped pretty soon.

P2 was better. Start with a bunch of moaning. Lots of outragedly fake compliment about my LB, which was hilarious. I tried to access both LS at the same time, but was denied as they were concern about cross contamination, so I had to stick with one. Something to remember when going with 4 hands/ threesome. The rest of it was fine, pretty standard.  Popped, showered, and left.

Wasn't thrilled about the B&S situation and tried to make the most out of it. I ended up spending more than I planned to, and seems like 4 hands was not for me, at least not with the wish girls. Perhaps next time I wont get B&S and maybe 1 provider  at a time would be better at Wish.

dienw 21-8-2024 21:46 Karma +3 Hard lines. Wendy currently in Shenzhen
bigchingus 22-8-2024 10:03 Karma +3 sympathy Ks for you. did they at least give you a bj? or just hj
davidj42 22-8-2024 16:33 Acceptance +1 that's rough
Fllnqthrd 23-8-2024 11:32 Acceptance +1
Bondtse 24-8-2024 13:28 Acceptance +1

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