Original Post

15-8-2024 09:16

Originally posted by BizBiz at 14-8-2024 19:24
have a fair idea about the hotel walk ups

I'm not sure you do. For one thing, walkups and hotel girls are in two different categories on this forum for a reason.

141 walkups in HK are known buildings. Here's a video which will give you an idea:

However until you are in there, with the close quarters and weird lighting and punter-zombies shuffling around you, you won't get the experience. Note that this building is cleaner and spiffier than most 141 buildings.

Hotel girls: book, show up, it's a hotel. Don't walk around knocking on hotel room doors.

Sounds like you want a freelancer scene, find some girl to chat with about quantum physics or whatever. Hong Kong is not like Bangkok, as you'll find out. There are bars in the Wan Chai district but if you want to check them out, good luck with that. You can of course try Tinder or Bumble or whatever else.


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 15-8-2024 08:19 ]

wetadventureman 16-8-2024 01:24 Acceptance +2 proper video though usually the hallways are not so clean or empty. you will pass other dudes but there just trying to g ...
BizBiz 17-8-2024 19:52 Acceptance +1 Thanks for the insights. I knew the diff between walkins and walkups reading the forum...thanks for the video appreciate ...
taitron1234 20-8-2024 09:45 Acceptance +1

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