Original Post

1-8-2024 09:57
Reply #1 Kaikik45's post

That sounds like Lee's which was on Mission Street between 8th and 9th Streets.   It was in operation from the late 1990's to the mid 2000's. I liked that place, it was large, I think there were 15-20 girls working on a given night, and there was a side door to the parking lot next door that you could use to enter instead of waiting out by the front door on busy Mission Street.  You could even park for free in that parking lot at night.  You didn't need an appointment, just walk up to the place and ring the buzzer.  Mamasan would check you out through the CCTV and let you in if she thought you looked ok.  Quite a change from the scene these days where you need to set up an appointment and get screened.  SF AMPs would stay open late too, I recall many a late night/early morning at those places.  I also liked that each room had a shower, as opposed to some other SF AMP's where the showers were shared like a locker room.

I vaguely recall Linda and her Mercedes but I don't think I ever saw her.  There were a lot of girls that passed through the Lee's doors. Mostly Korean but a good number of Thai as well as small number of Southeast Asian (vietnamese, laotian, etc) and Chinese.  Even some American born girls or born in another English speaking country or came over at a young age, and some half asian girls.

I remember it got really busy on Friday and Saturday nights after the bars and clubs closed.  It was standing room only and you couldn't even move in the waiting area or hallway to the stairs.  And it would be so crowded, people were sitting on the stairs leading up to the rooms.  I can't remember how many rooms they had but there were more girls than rooms because even the girls had to wait for an available room.  Mamasan would even turn people away at the door it would be that busy.  If you were really lucky, you'd see the guy who was with the girl before you and then the guy who was waiting for his turn after you.  And, you'd come out of the place reeking of cigarette smoke even though indoor smoking was banned in CA.

Unfortunately Lee's and many of the bigger SF AMP's got caught up in a combined local,state and federal law enforcement bust that we called Black Thursday because it went down on a Thursday. But the media and law enforcement called it Operation Gilded Cage.  This was the beginning of the end for the SF AMP scene.   Lee's soldiered on for a bit after the bust but didn't last much longer.

Last time I checked, the old Lee's location was a marijuana dispensary.

[ Last edited by  rbbinger at 31-7-2024 18:02 ]

sonorance 1-8-2024 10:22 Acceptance +2
qblast1 1-8-2024 15:46 Acceptance +3 Memory lane!
pussysommelier 1-9-2024 02:11 Acceptance +1 sounds way better than what we have today
stanleynx 9-11-2024 19:35 Acceptance +1

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