Original Post

3-7-2024 18:43
Thailand / Bangkok : Daisy from Stella Nuru

Date & Time of Session: 3th of july
Location: Stella Nuru Massage Bkk
Name: Daisy
Nationality & Language: Thai. fairly good English
Age:  26
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 4/5
Height: 167?
Skill: 4\5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 4/5
Price & Session Length: 4500 + tip
Repeat : no

I went first to mango massage in the hope to find cream as reviewed here in the past (https://forum.141-hk.com/eforum/ ... mp;extra=page%3D1).  She looked so my type.  Sadly they told me she no longer works there.   The odd thing is, that the background in the picture doesn’t the current mango. (all yellow,  but not that brick wall) seem to match the mango massage that i visited.  The one i visited was next to aurora.   If anyone knows where Cream works, please let me know.

After a disappointing line up to mango massage, i took a grab driver and went to Stella Nuru massage.     Wanted to chose Daisy but still saw the line up which was rather good.    Saw Stella on a youtube and picked her. She was bit darker then expected but pretty.

90 mins nuru for 4500 : The sensation was nice.  She heated up the gel and i had to face down on the mat.  They gave me the large vip room.   No complaints whatsoever.  Daisy worked hard. Washed me down, went on her knees and faked a bj (use her hands).  Cleaned me up, dried and showered herself.  

It was a first nuru for me and i guess it was alright.  Very slippery.  I felt like an erect fish flapping around on dry land.   She gave a nice bj and started cowgirl on the nuru mat.  Alsked to shower and went to the bed instead.  She requested doggie.  Did this, mish and prone bone until i came in the bag.  All this was followed by a nice massage and a handjob.

It was a nice experience but somehow during sex i had the feeling that her vagina is quite low located.    Watching her face, pumping away in mish, i started to wonder if she is a ladyboy.    I’m probably and hopefully wrong.   All in all a descent punt.  7/10 for me. but won’t repeat again.

next up Canaries (although i'm dead tired and jet lagged)

Laszlo 3-7-2024 19:07 Karma +4 Thanks for the report
JackTheBat 3-7-2024 19:29 Karma +13
Vuka 3-7-2024 19:31 Karma +4
anywhichway222 3-7-2024 21:36 Acceptance +2 Try DokiDoki on Sukhumvit Soi 31 if you’re interested in a good nuru massage.
Fllnqthrd 3-7-2024 23:23 Acceptance +1
Sirrus79 4-7-2024 04:41 Acceptance +1
marklee1002 4-7-2024 07:36 Karma +2
kukooo 4-7-2024 09:18 Karma +6 Am Eyeing Luna,Sherline and Nancy? Did you see them?
Skepti10 4-7-2024 10:49 Karma +4
booby_lover 4-7-2024 16:13 Karma +8 "vagina is quite low" Tulip girl I saw also had a low vagina she called her asshole but it seemed to work well..
Yuki_kiyohime 4-7-2024 16:37 Acceptance +1 thank for the report, have you gone to any other Nuru massage places, im 4month away from my trip, and trying to decide ...
kalvinhobbs 6-7-2024 23:02 Karma +5
vinnie07 26-8-2024 09:25 Karma +2
Bondtse 29-8-2024 01:27 Acceptance +1

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