Original Post

17-6-2024 21:56
131 31 Sukhumvit 7/1 Alley, Bangkok

– Date & Time of Session: Last month
– Name: Not showing up at http://www.woodbarbangkok.com/staff.html
– Location: As per subject
– Ethnicity: Thai
– Language: Some English, her mouth was full most of the time anyway
– Age: Twenties
– Size: ~5'2
– Face/body: Terrible
– Skills/service: Professional however even with decent breasts, with such a face/body really…
– Price: THB800 (plus THB100 tip because below a certain level one doesn’t choose one’s own looks and I try not to be an arsehole)
– Will return: No thank you, “been there/done that”

I meant to try a BJ bar for a while, perhaps I was unlucky with the lineup that early afternoon at the Wood Bar. It also crossed my mind that from a hygiene standpoint the worse looking lady might be the least risky one in that line of work, so I chose one whose legs also seemed affected by elephantiasis. I am not naming her out of courtesy.

Anyway, she did whatever she could, I ended up having to wank myself to move towards finish, and I facefucked her to completion. She asked whether I had shot my load because she didn’t realise it went straight into her stomach… Oh – while one can grab a drink at the entrance which is a nice point, the outlet is really dingy.

In comparison, in terms of enjoyment even without any oral/anal/vaginal intercourse, Analisa Massage as reviewed at
http://forum.zh141.com/viewthread.php?tid=95693 is a real bargain.

[ Last edited by  Hobbier at 17-6-2024 21:58 ]

Vuka 17-6-2024 22:03 Acceptance +4
MandoT 17-6-2024 22:40 Acceptance +1
reanway78 18-6-2024 07:56 Acceptance +2
JackTheBat 18-6-2024 13:20 Karma +13 Sounds like you selected one of the larger staff members at Woody Chunks.
Laszlo 18-6-2024 14:10 Karma +4
kingtrainerbbc 20-6-2024 14:40 Acceptance +1
bobwillis001 26-6-2024 04:10 Acceptance +1

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