Original Post

28-5-2024 12:57
Reply #1 qblast1's post

WeChat is very very hit or miss in the US. As the other responder said, you honestly might have a better chance on dating apps though the experience of sussing out who's a legit, trustworthy WG and who's not can be irritating.

In the past (pre-COVID), I managed to find WGs on Reddit who negotiated over either Kik or Telegram but it's hard to tell who's legit and who's not, especially when they ask for upfront payment. I've had some luck but I've also been scammed.

At the end of the day, I just went to the Chinatown of my respective city (Flushing in the case of NYC) and tried my hand at finding an AMP that offered "additional services". Managed to find a WG that way that I ended up meeting at her own place for FS.

I hope WeChat works out for you, though! Could be a good excuse to learn Mandarin

qblast1 29-5-2024 00:51 Acceptance +1 I tried kik and telegram but I'll never send the deposit because I'm afraid of getting scammed. Problem with dating si ...

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