Original Post

27-5-2024 17:21
Reply #1 a_vayes's post

Ok, I feel bad for giving you a hard time, so I'll give you some real advice. I've run out of cash in HK, too. All PRC WGs accept USD & gold coins. All Russian WGs accept Euros. Before sanctions, they accepted USD, but I haven't boned a russkie in a long time. Met a PRC freelancer in braces who even accepted crypto. Boned a local for an iPhone once. She refused to BJ me but gladly accepted DATY. I don't DATY WGs but she was a civilian who needed a new iphone. Did an overnight with an 19 year old American who needed a barber chair. Just talk to the girls & barter, man. Ask them what they want & buy it with your credit card. Foreign currency & gold works with WGs but barter works with LKF civilian  girls. With civilians, you have 3 choices; 1. get it for "free" and accept drama & jealousy into your life OR invite her friend for a threesome & grease the wheels with expensive gifts so they know it's transactional & don't get attached to you. You can also get older women to pay YOU. Be advised by older i mean old enough to be your mother or grandmother. When I was a broke young man, I dated an American granny with pot belly & skin like rhinoceros. She tasted bitter (DATY & DFK) because of the chemo. She was dying of cancer. Just talk & trade, man. As a matter of fact, DHs in HK code for sex for cash is "trade". Good luck!

PS, there's an app on iphone & android that can test if gold & silver coins are real by the fequency of resonance. Use the app if they are skeptical of your coin's authenticity.

[ Last edited by  drjoker6969 at 27-5-2024 17:58 ]

a_vayes 28-5-2024 23:42 Acceptance +1 Thanks! I happen to have a hard-on for MILFs so this works for me
gwailoplayer 5-6-2024 18:29 Acceptance +3 You have lived a full life

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