Original Post

23-5-2024 18:58
Mainland spinner 100% service. SSP

had a wonder around SSP. today. I wanted to check out the  Cheung Lok Building on Chueng  who wan road.   has 11 floors advertised on 141 and some decent looking ladies.    however the building I found at that address is not exactly a walkup as we usually see so wondered around and couldn't find any ladies doors so left to Fuk Wan Street   walked around a few buildings but most are older ladies and no English so wasn't MCoT

eventually thought ill try last 2 then head to Mongkok but  ended up in

Address  122/124 FukWa ST Sham Shui Po (SSP)
              2nd floor room D
Name SiSi
Age  25 and guess its correct
body   slim A or small b cups
face very sweet

cost 500. extra 300 for daty and French kiss
told me this is her first day and I was first customer (I believed her as she struggled to locate the condoms and had to phone a friend!) so new to that room for certain.

SISI answered the door and I immediately took a liking to her.   she's about 5.2 maybe 5.3 tall skinny and very attractive young lady I was surprised she was 25 as I was sure shed be 19/20
asked her about daty and kissing she said yes can do. had limited English but more than I can speak cantonese or mandarin so cant knock her for that

into shower and she comments on LB size he wasn't even fully at attention yet   she washes me down then as shower area small fish. she tells me to get dried while she washes the little lady.  she has a very bushy little mound for those that like this

so onto bed this is when she gets phone to translate there's extra for what I asked    I say yeah ok. and we start kissing.   (now she is a smoker so those that hate this probably a turn off the faint smell on her breath) but she is a damned good kisser make my way down her body and she's acting correctly or is really enjoying me sucking her tiny tits and nipples. down to between legs and eat her out (randomly when she put this in  translate app it came back as  to be environmentally friendly!  anyone know what she was trying to say )?

anyway plenty of data moved up to kiss her breasts and mouth and LB was rubbing on her    so horny I nearly lost control and pounded her raw.  (although I doubt she would allow it she was a little nervous at this point until my cock was resting on her stomach and I grabbed the raincoat.
in I went in mish and it took her a second or two to accommodate me.   then she really took a pounding.   I managed to lift her up in a odd position and basically lifted her up and down my cock. very horny.  she's about 30kg wet .    maybe a bit more  but she was really easy to lift off the bed and move around.    swapped into a spoon position behind her then into doggy and never did LB get Evicted from his new hiding place.    pounded her in doggy before into the Dom. and we was both pretty tired.    she gave me a double thumbs up and said she enjoyed it.

back to shower and trying to talk via translate she asked for my WeChat and I told her about this site she says she knows of it  (so not her first time here in HK im guessing)   she sent me a few pictures to share     the first  2 pics are a bit photoshopped or have filters used.   the 3rd is definitely her

message for WeChat or just go to the address.  she did share her parents are unwell and she's paying medical bills then quickly deleted the message so could be true.  go help the girl earn some money and have a good punt at the same time.  shagging for the greater good.

cityguy 23-5-2024 21:07 Karma +6 she looks far sexier in the real photo - don't understand filters tbh
Goose.Mk2 23-5-2024 21:28 Karma +8
Hobbyist6969 23-5-2024 22:56 Acceptance +1 Did you ever end up asking how long she's around for?
HKGPeter 23-5-2024 23:21 Karma +3 Environmentally friendly BJ is Chinese slang for BBBJ.
MarbeTonight 23-5-2024 23:55 Acceptance +1 Favorable how do we get her whatsapp?
MrFrosty 24-5-2024 00:07 Acceptance +1 Sweet review
slickric423 24-5-2024 02:36 Karma +5
bluecow 24-5-2024 09:03 Karma +4 Hello. Would you mind sharing her wechat please. When i saw A cups.... drools
boscitc 24-5-2024 17:19 Karma +10
SexPatBateman 24-5-2024 19:20 Acceptance +1 Great find and great review
Plio517 24-5-2024 23:49 Acceptance +1
ismokegreen 25-5-2024 00:01 Acceptance +1 nice, could you share her details?
Dutchy12 25-5-2024 12:19 Karma +5 Excellent
drjoker6969 25-5-2024 13:29 Karma +3 Could you pixelate or censor her face, nips and bush so those with lower RA could see her pics? Thanks.
saunamaster 25-5-2024 21:54 Acceptance +1 This report made me visit - absolutely MCOT spinner. Perfect. Thanks Frollic
austin821 27-5-2024 04:12 Karma +8
Sigh10 27-5-2024 09:31 Karma +3 Great report! Please send WeChat :)
yosser 27-5-2024 09:52 Karma +5 Thanks
crackerinhk 27-5-2024 13:17 Karma +2 Pls share her WeChat. Tks!
JimDimSum 27-5-2024 20:36 Karma +4 Can you share her WeChat with me? Thank you.
MasterKlaus 28-5-2024 00:01 Acceptance +1
MrButtons 3-6-2024 15:01 Karma +5 She sounds excellent! Any info about when she might be back? I guess her ID won't work for adding on WeChat. Thanks fo ...
jayme 2-8-2024 14:17 Karma +1 What's her Wechat? I feel like i tried her in MK a couple days ago.
honkong2012 6-8-2024 00:11 Karma +4
Leg_o_man 7-8-2024 00:26 Karma +4 Nice
bitcoin 18-8-2024 22:34 Acceptance +1 Excellent
TedKoppel 25-8-2024 16:44 Karma +5
dondondon04 27-8-2024 06:09 Acceptance +1 Excellent
UncleDad 27-8-2024 23:16 Karma +5 Cute-tastic
WubaLubaDubDub 6-10-2024 23:42 Acceptance +1
Travie 10-10-2024 03:26 Acceptance +1
sussysammy 10-10-2024 19:18 Karma +2 Excellent
Uhoogmaan 15-10-2024 14:45 Acceptance +1
bobbybob9 15-10-2024 16:47 Karma +2 Great report! Can share her wechat or contact pls?
Jjaa123 16-10-2024 21:23 Karma +4
clownpocket 7-11-2024 16:20 Acceptance +1

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