Original Post

15-9-2008 07:34

I've gotten pubic lice (crabs) from a 141 girl in TST.  I did three girls in one day, a 12 hour layover that I decided to take advantage of.  I did one girl on Observatory Road and two in Fuk Yue (sp?) a place that is no longer listed here.  I got back home and noticed that my chest was itching a week later, I am very hairy.  Then one night I felt something moving on me and saw a little tiny crab!! I crushed it, but there were more.  I shaved off all my pubic and chest hair and killed several more.  The next morning I skipped work and got some lice killing shampoo and used that.  It worked and I got rid of them, but I sure felt dirty for a while.  I'm not sure what girl gave them to me but I'm thinking it was the fun one.  She stick her finger up my ass when I was least expecting it.  Her tongue felt much better there.

matsumoto 26-5-2013 22:25 Acceptance +4 For the honesty...I didn't realize "crabs" we're actually little crabs:-)

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