Japan Mongering / a Reddit "Ask Me Anything"
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This is just one escort's teke fwiw --- working for a delivery health
No that’s the point. Paying for vaginal sex is illegal. But oh she really likes you so much and you fuck her and she just so happens to get a tip from you. Cause you guys just fell in love right
It’s a loophole
Edit: and honestly I’ve given some guys freebies cause I fucking hate them and just want this to be over faster so hey figure out which you got
Did you tip? If not she just wanted to get rid of you as fast as possible and didn’t want her face on your dick for it
If you tipped ya that’s typical
Ask if they do H. Usually it’s 10,000-20,000¥
Not gonna lie I’ve done it for free a few times when I really want to get rid of a guy.
To be 100% honest in my own experience just doing blowjobs is difficult, so offering penetrative sex and getting extra money for it is a way more attractive option.
Tip+rest hey? After a few guys your jaw starts fucking hurting.
I never worked in a pink salon but my shop gave me a bunch of flavoured condoms every time I worked so maybe she had some?
Basically together you can say you ‘fell in love’ and you gave a tip just because you appreciate her. So it totally wasn’t for the sex at all. Wink wink. Totally fine to slide your new love some cash right?
The laws are fucking ridiculous.
Did you not cum quickly? If a blowjob goes over the five minute mark I’m offering sex for a tip.
Hope you’re able to have a great night.
I would suggest looking privately and doing a trial run of an hour or so before requesting a night.
It’s awkward when you order a long time but you don’t click with the person at all.
And it also gives you a chance to bring a little gift next time. It’s not necessary but I always get a smile on my face when a customer remembers what I like.
I always do my best for every customer but not gonna lie I try and go above and beyond it a customer remembers what I like.
My shop only allows threesomes with another girl from the shop. No second party of either gender.
Not sure about other places but you probably would have to go private. If you google tokyo escorts you’ll be able to find a link with many independent women you just need to toggle for people that allow threesomes. Private it shouldn’t be hard.
(Also almost everyone allows penetration, you just aren’t allowed to advertise it and need to get a tip before you get the tip haha) [ Last edited by Manticore at 11-4-2024 16:22 ] |