Original Post

2-4-2024 17:24
JSL Cambodian Tanny

Date & Time of Session:  30 Mar 2024
Location: JSL 707 Room 8
Name: Tanny
Nationality & Language:  Cambodian and English
Age: 25
Face:  7/10
Body:  9/10
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
GFE:  3/5
PSE: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  600 + tips
Repeat: Yes

Wandering JSL for any good talents, and stumbled across Tanny.

Unlike other girls, she has her doors opened. She's hot, boobs and ass. I was hesitant because SE Asians often end up to be ladyboys, especially when her body is so hot.

Actually I was ringing the room next to her, she kept smiling and asking me to join her. The door I rang didn't open, and then I said to myself, fuck it, I went into her room.

Undressed, I touched her boobs, it's real, big and soft. She's not a ladyboy,

And then the usual stuff, showered, BJ, ML. Love her big booty, must go if you love meaty girls.

Here are some pics from her wechat, which I blurred her face

Siemens94 2-4-2024 18:56 Acceptance +1 Thank bro
Hobbier 2-4-2024 19:56 Karma +4 She looks stunning. Did she give you the picture by the pool?
frankpot2 2-4-2024 21:52 Acceptance +1
austin821 3-4-2024 03:29 Karma +6
Freelancer 3-4-2024 03:34 Karma +6 Favorable
Dutchy12 3-4-2024 23:17 Karma +5 Any DFK?
miketk 5-4-2024 16:33 Karma +8
agent09999 14-4-2024 19:40 Acceptance +1
banter141a 15-4-2024 12:28 Acceptance +5

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