Original Post

16-3-2024 21:45
RX fails to deliver

I've seen quite a few comments on here noting that RX agency don't have the best reputation but, as an optimist and a booberist, I'd thought I'd roll the dice. I called up on Tuesday and gave the code number from the advert I liked the look of. The man on the other end (Mandarin) paused and then asked how much I was willing to pay.

"Err your advert says $1200."

"We have $1300 or $1700."

"Which one suffers most from back pain?"

"The expensive one."

A quick scan around their adverts revealed a 24 year old with 38I cups for $1700. Must be her. If the I-cup bit is correct, I'll overlook the rest. I arrived at a posh hotel near Fortress Hill and headed up to the room expecting a middle-aged woman with huge saggy swingers. After much rapping upon her chamber door, the door opened only for me to be greeted by no one. She wasn't even doing the sneaky peek round the door. This was hide and seek. I craned my neck in, saw her, spun on my heel and left. She had the worn out look of someone who gets rejected all day for a living. And without big tits.

As a side note, and I'm sure it must have been discussed here many times, why do all the agencies advertise the girls as having huge band sizes. Do they know how bra sizing works? We want big jugs not WWE ribcages.

[ Last edited by  JasonWu at 16-3-2024 21:50 ]

wildwildwest 17-3-2024 01:42 Acceptance +2
miketk 17-3-2024 01:45 Karma +4 Oh sorry you must accept the girl she offered first....
unknownst 17-3-2024 06:14 Karma +4
Dukelok 17-3-2024 06:34 Karma +3
pguru 17-3-2024 12:39 Karma +2 Sympathy ks. Do you mind sharing which girl it was?
frankpot2 18-3-2024 11:06 Acceptance +1
slickric423 19-3-2024 01:48 Karma +5

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