Original Post

16-3-2024 07:09

Screening is a necessary evil.  afaik you’re not going to be able to use any bay area org without some kind of screening so you gotta ask yourself if its worth the risk.  To reduce the risk, heres what I do…

- use a separate phone / SIM / number for mongering.  all mongering stuff happens on this phone, nothing on my main phone.  leave this phone on silent all the time and turned off when youre not mongering.  so it doesnt matter if they got your phone number

- redact any information that someone could use to track me to home or work.  so - if they want paystub, im redacting employee number, employer name etc.  ID?  redacting address.  Linkedin?  hard no.   Thats been OK so far but if I ever come across an org that insists on knowing exactly where I live or work, i will not be using that org.

- fortunately I have a pretty common name.  There are probably 50 people in the bay with the same name, so im ok giving my real name.

Still not risk-free but acceptable given that the choice is either screening or no k-orgs

yoloedge 17-3-2024 15:20 Acceptance +3 Redacting employer seems contrary to point of asking for pay stub, but I’ll have to try that

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