Original Post

27-2-2024 20:19

I really think that you overpaid way above the "market" rate. Philippine gals are typically priced the same as Thais i.e. between $600-900/1000. $1000 is already top of the range. $2500 let alone the initial asking price of $3500, I would expect she was smoking hot, not saying she's ugly (far from it). I just feel this agent is just scamming you, in addition that the location isn't a proper hotel illustrates this agent is a cheapskate. I would have at least expected a 5 star hotel for that price. There are similar agents operating JP girls for $1800 but the location are very poor and similar love hotels to keep the cost down.

[ Last edited by  Goose.Mk2 at 27-2-2024 20:23 ]

HK_Legend 27-2-2024 22:49 Karma +10 Textbook! Most MR girls are Wanchai bar girls! So they show crazy 1H price ON MR and whatever discount is still a WIN
hotel_boy 28-2-2024 02:39 Karma +2 words of wisdom

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