SV Wellness - Oceanic Sportel - Phuket
Upscale healthy and beauty spa, mostly skin care, but offers massage.
Located next to Oceanic Sportel, near boat lagoon.
Pukky, mid-30’s to early 40’s.
90 minute oil + aromatherapy.
1600 baht, plus 1000 baht tip
I’m nearby for business reasons, staying at the above-mentioned hotel. There are none of the usual massage parlors nearby, but I noticed this place and figured I really wanted a massage and if it was veggie that would be OK.
I was led into the treatment room, which is very nicely appointed, and given the disposable underwear, but I said I didn’t need them, and the receptionist, to my surprise, said OK. The lights were very dim, so I undressed, and eventually Pukky came in, a nice looking lady, and of course fully dressed in slacks and top. Nonetheless, I gave her 1000 baht upfront and explained that I wanted to take care of her so that she could take good care of me. She appeared very thankful. She’s an average body from what I could tell, and she wore a mask, so I can’t really say for sure what she looked like, but appeared nice looking.
We began, and very shortly afterwards, when she was working on my butt and legs, I started touching her legs over her clothes. I honestly didn’t know if she was going to push my hand away, but instead she got closer. Eventually I was stroking her ass, and then put my hand between her legs, and to my utter surprise, she not only seemed to like that, but starting grinding away as I was helping her cum! This happened twice during the session.
Eventually it was an average HE, but what made it so good was the setting and the unexpected nature. It once again proves that upfront decent tipping can usually get the ball rolling in the right direction.
[ Last edited by firstraitt at 24-2-2024 16:58 ] | |