Original Post

20-1-2024 19:00
[Indonesia] Puntig trip review

I cant really write a report for all the punts I had in indonesia, since there are too many so I rather write a short collection of noteworthy places for you guys.
Date & Time of Session: January 2023

Location:  Bali Indonesia - The notorious X Houses
Repeat: Most likely not.
Price: Around 400K (~25$) but you can get lower.

So finding Girls in bali, or kuta to be exact, is not really hard but not as easy as in thailand.
The are a lot of WGs in the clubs around but you might have to treat them to a couple of drinks before talking action unlike the gogo pickups around sukhumvit.

For a quick unload there are the notorious X houses located around sanur beach.
They are basically short time brothels, but you can take the girls out aswell.
Basically every house that has a X next to the house number marks the spot where you can find some action.

I have been to a couple of those but they are really not great places...
Very dirty old houses, small rooms with an attached bathroom.

Here are some example locations:

-8.705047270235829, 115.25440865799973 - Fishbowl with 5- 10 girls once the sun is down

-8.7075325, 115.2539625

-8.703342, 115.252088

Had some average punts there, but also some great ones.
The rooms are plainly speaking, really shit, you might want to consider to take the girls out...
But some really cute girls around from time to time.

Location:  Jakarta Indonesia - The Malio Hotel
Repeat: If I ever go back there, definitely yes!
Price: Entry fee as stated but around 50-60$ a pop

Calling it "Hotel" is be a bit incorrect, but this is surely one heavenly place for punters

To enter you have to pay an entry fee which is around 20$?? (not sure anymore) but you can stay as long as you like.

The Ground Floor has a Gym, a pool, jaccuzi, showers, sauna and changing rooms.

Second Floor is a Bar with girls that you can take to a room for some action.
In the bar are looooots of girls, I was there late afternoon and there were over 75 girls around.
They have also russian girls working there but they are way more expensive.

And a Club on the topmost floor. I have not been there since it opens only in the evening but maby next time.

Location:  Jakarta Indonesia - The Classic Hotel
Repeat: Meh...
Price: 1.4m (~90$) Full night

This one seemed to be an actual hotel, or it was one at some point at least...
But on the second floor is a club which also has shot time rooms.

Not as many girls as in the Malio but a nice selection.
Had a nice threesome there, but also took girls back to my hotel.

jj1991123 21-1-2024 00:03 Karma +2 Excellent
LittleWing 21-1-2024 05:05 Karma +4
22gingham 21-1-2024 09:57 Karma +3
dimb1 22-1-2024 00:03 Karma +2
frankfrank21 22-1-2024 02:42 Karma +3
austin821 22-1-2024 02:55 Karma +5
JackTheBat 22-1-2024 10:34 Karma +10
freedive 23-1-2024 09:03 Karma +4
rrfege 23-1-2024 14:37 Karma +5 Thanks!
MrMagik 25-1-2024 08:44 Karma +5
Macau81 12-3-2024 01:19 Karma +6

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