Original Post

10-1-2024 10:25
Bangkok - Freelancer - Tischa

Bangkok - Freelancer - Tischa

Date & Time of Session: Early November 2023
Location: Sukhumvit -- Opposite Thermae Cafe
Nationality & Language: Thai
Name - Tischa (spell it Teee-shaa)
Contact - None
Age:  28 (Looked younger)
Face: 4/5
Body: 4.5
Height:  5ft maybe
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 4/5
Price & Session Length:3000 THB + 200 THB tips + 200 THB taxi fare
Repeat:  I would If I find her again at the bar

My new routine, Bush Garden bar and sipping beers while I watch every girl walk in and out of Thermae cafe.

Fine evening and I was down one beer and some food, ordered my second and Thermae cafe was buzzing, so busy place ( I don't go in these days)

I noticed a beautiful woman in her early twenties taken out, she comes back to the bar and gets picked up in less than 5 minutes again by someone, this time up she went to Ruamchitt Plaza hotel for the session.

45 minutes later, she comes down waving goodbyes to the person who dropped her at the lobby, she goes inside, takes a piss and I was ready to follow her and pick her up before she would go inside the bar

The surprise is, girl was ready to call it a day and head home, made good money I guess . She booked her cab and stood by the road for her ride

I immediately went and asked If i could take her, she said she is heading home and is done for the day and can meet tomorrow. I was in no mood to let her go and promised to pay for her ride back home (not desperate it was my last day and did not wanna let go of chance) , nice smiling face with great body , would take that any day

She agreed with a smile and to my room now, told me she has a baby , couldn't believe her

Standard process -- shower , foreplay and sex nothing different than how she looked and was smiling through the session

Body -- Man made tits but felt nice, amazing butts and some belly damage due to c-sec surgery.

Nice woman, carried smile through out the session and she says not a regular at Thermae cafe, visits only when funds needed (2-3 times a month)

I had a very good session with her, she stayed 30 minutes after session to speak of her life and showed her kid photos. overall not a typical escort experience but friendly/warm are additions here

P.S -- She looks much better and hotter in person than this pic

JackTheBat 10-1-2024 10:27 Karma +10
Skepti10 10-1-2024 10:30 Karma +8
bigboy4791 10-1-2024 11:23 Karma +4
hotjac 10-1-2024 12:09 Karma +4 Too bad you didn't get her Line. Her photo looks like innocence defined, less clothes would change that thought ;)
brj75 10-1-2024 12:23 Acceptance +4 Good review. Succinct (sp), informative. Thanks.
roninaaa 10-1-2024 12:25 Acceptance +1
booby_lover 10-1-2024 13:18 Karma +6
1punt2punt4 10-1-2024 16:24 Karma +3 Seems like a pleasant experience!
Jeeembo 10-1-2024 17:58 Acceptance +1
freedive 10-1-2024 19:25 Karma +4
kalvinhobbs 10-1-2024 23:55 Karma +5
SalesGuy555 11-1-2024 03:34 Karma +2
Leftleg28 11-1-2024 13:36 Acceptance +1
americafirst141 12-1-2024 12:38 Karma +6
arikop 12-1-2024 15:36 Karma +6 Lovely girl!
austin821 13-1-2024 02:38 Karma +6
culdcept 15-1-2024 08:16 Acceptance +1
15633381 21-1-2024 14:46 Karma +3
juyai 22-1-2024 07:01 Acceptance +1 Excellent
magictime12 24-1-2024 10:18 Karma +5 Put your one liner comment here morons
mycibai 24-1-2024 11:33 Acceptance +1
jackon88 24-1-2024 16:34 Acceptance +1 Excellent
boscitc 24-1-2024 18:15 Karma +8
Westside88s 24-1-2024 19:53 Acceptance +1 Favorable
kingtrainerbbc 27-1-2024 18:26 Acceptance +1

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