Original Post

10-12-2023 14:54
[Taiwan][Taipei] Taiwanese Hooker in Xiyuan alleys

Date & Time of Session: October 2023
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Nationality & Language: Chinese - Almost no English
Age: 40s
Skill: 1/10
Service: Handjob
Price & Session Length:  $1,000NTD for 10 mins

This was shortly after some bust in October but these Chinese/Taiwanese ladies working the alleys off Xiyuan across Bangka park are pretty aggressive getting customers. I had a few good Thai hookers off Xichang last few days and decided to try one of the local ladies... I don't know why I thought it would be nice to have a older local hooker for whatever reason.

Most of them are older and uglier than the Thai girls. Anyways, one lady grabbed me trying to get me and she looked decent body wise (was wearing a mask) and I talked to her and all we could agree on was $1,000 NTD for whatever service. I follow this lady into one of the buildings and she leads me to some karaoke room takes my money and leaves for a few mins. We couldn't communicate and I was worried she just ditched me or some weird set up. Comes back a few mins later with wet wipes...

The fucking lady just had me pull my pants down, wipe my dick and proceeded to give me the shittest hand job ever. She didn't take off her mask and wouldn't let me touch her. I tried to get a blow job or more service from her but she wouldn't do jack shit. I gave up and let her jerk me off til I came. She wiped up real quick and just left.

This was probably the worst experience I ever had out of the many hookers/escorts/massage parlors/brothels/spas I've been with/to.

I'll take the nice Thai working girls over these ugly, demanding, useless local hookers any time.

hkpunter999 10-12-2023 18:02 Karma +4
LittleWing 11-12-2023 02:49 Karma +3
Skepti10 11-12-2023 08:24 Karma +4
dogidog2000 11-12-2023 10:38 Acceptance +1
ihavenolife9999 19-12-2023 13:15 Acceptance +1
mapbookpro3 26-12-2023 21:02 Acceptance +1 Thanks for the detailed sharing
mr_tux 5-1-2024 09:07 Karma +5 TFTOFTT
CoolMint916 6-1-2024 12:55 Karma +3
alloona 14-2-2024 14:27 Acceptance +1

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