Original Post

22-11-2023 19:03
Thai Hop Yee Bad Bunnies

Name: New
Link: n/a
Telegram: t.me/BADBUNNIES88
Location: Hop Yee 6th floor
Date and Time: Early Nov
Nationality: Thai
Age:  20s
Face: 3/5 (similar to her TG ad)
Body: 3/5 (normal)
Service: 3/5
Agent: 2/5
Price & Session Length: $300-600 (different options and rates)
Repeat: Agent I dunno

So Bad Bunnies is a weird setup.  Well let me back track.  It’s not weird, It’s just unusual.  As referenced in prior reports, Bad Bunnies acts as an agent for visiting Thai girls, but their setup is in a residential apartment in North Point.  In this sense, it’s quite similar to the AAMPs in the United States where there is a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment and girls will rotate in from Asia for 1 - 3 months at a time.  But since this is Hong Kong, there is no space in the apartments and you can run into other punters.

In this case though, Bad Bunnies is also advertising for walk up girls. For this past year, most of their girls have been in Hop Yee in Causeway Bay.  Currently they are on the 6th floor, but of course the girls move around.

To be honest, there is that much to write up about Hop Yee.  It’s basically the HK island equivalent of King Hing in Kowloon.  And the thai girls are SOP in and out.

I don’t really like this BB agent, because in my experience the agent isn’t responsive.  It could be hours before you get a response.  So a day before you head over to Hop Yee message the agent to confirm the floor.  And then after that it’s a standard Thai walk up.

A much more consistent experience is Meet Me which is a HG agent also in North Point.  But that’s another review.

boscitc 22-11-2023 19:26 Karma +8 Thanks for the intel
Shadow05 22-11-2023 23:12 Acceptance +1 Excellent
mwomwo 23-11-2023 06:33 Karma +6 Excellent
Chickenbrother 23-11-2023 11:51 Acceptance +1 Thanks for the info
Thedarklord 23-11-2023 12:57 Acceptance +1 Thanks for sharing

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