Original Post

13-11-2023 06:26
Helga Russian

Name: Helga
Link: N/A
Telegram: hkexotic2
Location: wanchai
Nationality & Language: Russian, limited English
Age: early to mid 20s at most
Face: 4.5/5 good looking, the photos are not touched up, but slightly flattering angles, still a stunner
Body: 4.5/5 a little short for my tastes, but otherwise good
Service: 5/5 lfk/dfk, bbbj, good gfe
Price & Session Length: $1,600/40mins
Repeat: i liked her but would rather try other girls as well
Overall score: 4.5/5

Very enthusiastic, I am very careful and always use condoms no matter what, so I barely just stopped her in time to give me a BBBJ, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
Great service otherwise, very receptive and skilled at fulfilling my requests.
Overall, in a vacuum I would repeat but I'm also keen on trying other girls.

So far my experiences with this agent have been spot on so far in terms of booking, quality of girls etc (3 for 3) so I would recommend them.

wongwanchi 14-11-2023 11:10 Acceptance +1
Mister 14-11-2023 13:40 Karma +4 Nice find. Decent hotel?
Lchino150 4-12-2023 12:40 Karma +1 nice info
hotel_boy 9-1-2024 19:44 Acceptance +1

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