Original Post

12-11-2023 22:03

Originally posted by weiwei666 at 24-10-2023 21:03
I tried a few girls on OP telegram link. it's legit and they have a recap of all the girls in different districts and by price so you dont have to check the main forum which is filled with ads. For th ...

Same experience in SZ. If you're a white dude (even w/ fluent Mandarin), you're mostly better off mentioning it beforehand. The more highend, the higher the chance of them not accepting a white dude. Though, if you're nice enough (decent looking, friendly, able to hold a convo in mandarin), some that would otherwise reject you might actually accept when you meet them on the spot. At one point during Covid I had an agent that always proposed this approach and I had a pretty decent success-rate with mid-tier / lower high tier level stuff. Very few rejected me, and it was always the top of the top that did it... In general though, for the most highend stuff, your options will always be limited as a white dude.

danbog 29-12-2023 13:41 Acceptance +1

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