Original Post

11-11-2023 01:19

Visit Xiao Yu/Sexy Baby/Yo Yo again today, haven’t managed to revisit as she’s been back home in ZhuHai. I thought I caught a glimpse of her black dress a few days ago but she was busy. Today I walked past 2/F and she was taking out the trash and recognized me, wrapped her arms around mine and literally dragged me into her room!

Same intense GFE which she is renounced for.   She would happily just suck you dry and must have sucked my dick for a good 10mins with no signs of stopping, and it was only when I said to dom up did she stop!

I was absolutely drained after the intense session, so she gave me a long massage, which involved more bbbj as she wanted a 2nd round but I there was no way I could manage so ended back into shower where she washed me and we made out.

HK_Legend 11-11-2023 07:56 Karma +10 She is really a nice girl. From room 1 monitors, saw her earlier back & forth in room 2 (kind of warehouse)
Mister 13-11-2023 12:11 Karma +4 Nympho alert, lol

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