Original Post

9-11-2023 21:06

I thought of writing my own thread but @jimsonpai did such a great job that I decided to just add on.

I went to fuji to check out the Russian. She wasn't answering so I went up and up into a deathly hallow.

Date & Time of Session:  9 Nov 2023
Location:  fuji level 15 next to the door with pornstar on it
Name:  didn't catch it
Link: none
Agent: none
Nationality & Language: Thai can speak English and Chinese
Age: looks 25-30
Face:  7/10 cute
Body: 7/10 normal
Height:  1.68m
Skill: good deep throat
Service: great stuff
GFE: hugging etc
PSE: normal
Price & Session Length:  600 but I couldn't resist and gave her a bit cof so added 100 for tip
Repeat: probably not but this girl is decent if you want to be a bit rough

I stopped by the ruskie to check her out after. She's hot and blonde. Nuff said.

jimsonpai 9-11-2023 21:21 Karma +1 which floor was the ruskie? i assume you aren't talking about the 4a2 the one i reviewed.

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