Original Post

5-9-2023 13:09
Jasmine Hing Loong NMCOT, but great skill

It's one of those things you have to do in HK, like seeing the big Buddha or going to the PE Flower Market...

Age: 50s
Body: 2/5 - understandable
Face: 2/5
Skill: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Location: Hing Loong bld 5B3
Repeat service: nope
Price: 1000

I went in hoping for a smoking 40 as a lunchtime snack was disappointed. But...

Was greeted with great English, was offered a cold water bottle, very fancy.  Was then showered thoroughly, gotta say best shower ever lol.

Bbbj and rimming in the shower, first time rimming, she really went for it.

On the bed i requested bbbj, cim and massage afterwards.  Also got the rimming service as an add on, awesome.  The gal sucked the life out of me and I wasn't in the best of moods, so great kudos for the effort and skill. Massage skill was also very good.

As a closing note I would say, while she is definitely NMCOT, but is very nice, tries hard and has great skill. Unofrt a little older than I was hoping for.

Sorry for short review, theres alrd plenty out there + am on my way back to work.

Thanks for reading!

Sniper1 5-9-2023 18:12 Acceptance +1
micgao 6-9-2023 00:09 Acceptance +1 sometimes this is the best. just close your eyes and enjoy being spoiled
clampbottom 7-9-2023 00:00 Karma +3 Original
HK_Legend 8-9-2023 14:59 Karma +10 Jasmine is TOP QUALITY service. CIM BJ is ...HK Bucket List (see her webpage) !

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