KH checking for Russians
Location: KH (5th floor)
Nationality & Language: Russian
Face: 4/5
Body: 3.5-4/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length: 800
Went to KH to checkout the Russian supply. A lot of the doorways were not open, maybe a changeover day. 11th floor was closed so didn't see Russians there. 8th floor had the same supply (not great), with one potentially gone.
Ended up on 5th floor where I saw 3 new russians. Right alleyway had 1 and was average. Left alleyway had 2 that were decent. One slimmer blonde who I wanted but someone got to before me. The other was a brunette with a nice slutty face and decent toned body but a slight belly, seems like one from drinking alcohol.
Anyway, I was in a rush and the rest of her body was very tight and toned so I went with the brunette. She asked for money and I gave it over, she didn't give me change but I figured i would mention it at the end. She also turned on a 30 minute timer that actually audibly ticked the entire time. She turned on the timer before I even showered so that was annoying. Other than that her attitude was okay, decently friendly, was slightly playful.
Let me roam her body, catbath, cg, finished in doggy. Again, despite the timer her service attitude was decently interactive and engaged for a russian.
Showered alone on my way out, waiting to see when she would give me change, put all my clothes back on and finally mentioned the lack of change. She asked if i would leave a tip, i said no. then she gave me 100 and asked for the last 100 as tip, again i said no as we didnt even use the entire time and the experience was super standard.
You could argue that I am cheap, and in the past i have given in due to not wanting to seem stingy. However now im not really a fan of these tactics and dont want to support the practice as less experienced bros might have just let it go. In addition, if i wanted to pay 1000 or more i would go to fuji or choose a hotel girl.
If ur looking for Russians, these two are probably your best bet for russians under 1000. | |