Original Post

8-8-2023 20:52
Triple Report KSM and JSL

Location: KSM right section, right hallway, door at the end (Jordan)
Nationality & Language: Thai
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5 (very GFE)
Price & Session Length: 400 + 100 tip

Best girl Ive ever seen at KSM. 25 year old still in college. Very very good GFE, very patient, decent shower together with massage, kissing, long bbbj, lots of riding, doggy, mish. Nice long legs, firm butt, smaller boobs but I didnt mind. Had a c section but otherwise very tight.

Location: KH (7th floor)
Nationality & Language: Russian
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length: 800

This punt was last week. Blonde russian slightly older, milf vibe. Very fit bottom and legs, smaller boobs. Decent service though slightly robotic in a methodical way. Decent CBJ, CG, finish in mish. Showered alone. I checked this week and it seems she is gone now unfortunately. The russian supply as of today was average.

Location: KH left of elevator, left hallway, door at the end on the left (12th floor)
Nationality & Language: Thai
Face: 3.5/5
Body: 3.5/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length: 400

Pretty tall, decent looking Thai girl, 26 also a student. Has some tattoos, augmented tattoos, originally thought she was LB but after some conversation and observation i can confirm she is original. Showered alone which was a red flag, but otherwise service was very good. Very long and very decent BBBJ. Some riding (she complained it hurt so we switched), then mish for a while before finishing. She set an alarm on her phone for 30 mins.

thbpower 8-8-2023 21:16 Karma +1 wheres KSM
honkong2012 8-8-2023 21:17 Karma +4
HK_Legend 8-8-2023 22:16 Karma +8
clampbottom 9-8-2023 00:10 Karma +3 What's ksm?
frollics1 9-8-2023 06:47 Karma +4
MCdude4 9-8-2023 12:46 Acceptance +1 Those asking KSM is Kung Sheung Mansion
tchengaa 9-8-2023 16:12 Karma +2 Could u please share ksm girl's contact Thanks a lot
sexforhealth 10-8-2023 12:25 Karma +1 Good stuff
Thedarklord 14-8-2023 15:33 Acceptance +1 Thanks for sharing
nnbbs 16-8-2023 21:44 Karma +4
torismith2769 22-8-2023 15:39 Acceptance +1

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