Original Post

22-7-2023 15:40

Just want to add some additional info to jack’s post. Not looking for Ks, plz give to him.
Can confirm his report.
Girl’s got high cheekbones, pretty tall, long legs. Long black hair. Didn’t talk much.
I was more interested in her sandy blonde friend across the hall who stood there chatting with her. Blond girl spoke English quite well, tried to sell herself as last day for $800 and her Khazak friend at $700. I guess her price went down or just really into Jack!
Door down the hall has a prettier Russian, but the worst attitude. Rolled her eyes at me when telling me where she was from.
This is just personal opinion, but the Khazak girl looks awfully like one of the high-end models that’s being advertised by one of the agents right now. Not going to say who. Do they moonlight?
Lastly, I did not try either as I’d just made a deposit on the 10th floor…

jackgoro 23-7-2023 10:22 Karma +5 Guess I hit the jackpot… yes high cheek bones.. better wording lol

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