Original Post

8-6-2023 17:09
Dreamy - The Legendary Cocksucker

Date & Time of Session:  Around 12noon, late May 2023
Location: Rm 9, Flat A, 5/F, 66 Parkes Street
Name: Dreamy
Nationality & Language: Chinese, Cantonese with Mainland accent
Age: Probably 40s ~ 50s
Face:  3/5
Body: 5/5 (Despite the age, she has an amazing figure and very smooth skin)
Skill: 4.5/5 (To my surprise, I think her skill is even better than Sammi)
Service: 4/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 5/5
Price & Session Length: $600

After a disappointing visit to Siu Siu of the Phoenix Apartments, I tried another "legendary cocksucker" on the list.
Long story short. Few points to note:

1. I like how she was able to make me feel comfortable by her kind attitude as I am usually shy to strangers.
2. Her sloppy BJ was so sensational that gave me chills at the back of my head.
3. Less mechanical than Sammi of the Phoenix Apartments, thus better (YMMV).

JackTheBat 8-6-2023 19:45 Karma +10 A Hong Kong institution and a wonderful person.
HK_Legend 8-6-2023 22:43 Karma +8
pirate1 8-6-2023 23:29 Acceptance +3 Sounds appetising. Will check her out.
MrButtons 9-6-2023 01:51 Karma +5
austin821 9-6-2023 04:12 Karma +5
monogamous 9-6-2023 08:47 Karma +3 Shy person who likes to get BJs from strange women.
gwailoplayer 9-6-2023 15:30 Karma +4 Good summary. JTB ripping off my riff
Umcorp 15-6-2023 00:36 Karma +2 nice review mind sharing her contact?
chaudement 18-6-2023 13:56 Karma +4 Kindly send her contact information.
jw6 27-6-2023 20:38 Acceptance +1 Mind sharing her contact info also? Appreciated
elephil 17-8-2023 12:53 Acceptance +1
Thedarklord 17-8-2023 19:09 Acceptance +1 Thanks for sharing
makashima 17-8-2023 22:37 Karma +1 I need to give her a try
sexforhealth 20-8-2023 10:07 Acceptance +2 Good stuff need CIM + swallow
quoththeraver 23-8-2023 00:10 Acceptance +1

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