Original Post

5-6-2023 18:23

Thanks for the great reviews, went to see Marsha today afternoon , waited almost an hrs cause previous guy booked an hour. Positive Attitude and nice smile. Clean u very well, she does use phone keep the time, but no rushing feeling. Overall same experience as blackberry_22, recommend try later in the day. She might have the mood to come as she said it will make her too tired . Good English skill.

Location: JSL 707 Rm#8, TST confirmed
( end of the long hallway the right room )  
Name: Marsha

sniper111 5-6-2023 19:06 Acceptance +1 Is her tits real or silicone?
miketk 5-6-2023 23:13 Karma +1 Silicone tits.

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