Reply #10 Mister's post
There’s a bit of recency bias and perhaps Kayla’s non-au naturel stance makes me want to fk her more. Top 5, I’d fk in a heart beat (and I have with 2 of them).
Granted, I haven’t really been through the recent roster at Kawaii and Kissme, but…every time I go, I see the girls sitting on the couch and honestly, wasn’t inspired or I thought it would be a gamble to try. So that’s my excuse.
Nice Place and AW are more transparent with looks, there’s a 5-star rating system for looks. For example, Hannah and Ada has 5 stars (and deserves it) for looks. If Kawaii or Kissme implements, I’d be willing to go more often.
I was tempted to go to Kawaii today - asked if the girl was skinny, and the response was she’s pretty and has beautiful boobs. So that’s a no then haha. I tried Hollie a while ago (as was recommended) but…
Am I saying I’m paying $300 more for a HJ so there’s some certainly on the looks, I guess I am haha but bang for buck, Michelle at Kissme for 1k…all day long mate. There are some real gems, just have to look
Cassie at Kissme, forgot to mention her actually, she’s a gem. | |