Original Post

21-5-2023 10:29

Go to Wanchai Embassy (or then Taboo as Embassy is dead at the beginning of the week) after 11/11:30pm,
you might find a "Korean" ...cluster.
(I counted at least 5 yesterday night, but I was rushing)
Then you can judge onsite, decide and probably save $.

Just a weird intuition...

You can also test their "Korean" asking them to READ a "Korean" news page:

If you see one "Korean" alone but that you like, tell a waitress to give her a vodka STRAIGHT, watch & ...collect.
After such a stunt in 2012 (waitresses and Thai girls around told me they were 3 Chinese ladies) at then Escape,
NEVER a waitress in Wanchai ever question my ability to spot a Mongolian girl 1 mile away.
After the 3 "Chinese Ladies" happily drank their vodkas in less than 1mn, waitresses and girls offered to pay (which I of course refused).

UKA, in Nov. 2022, was THE outlier in that 3,000,000 humans (there are more sheep) country as she does not drink ANY alcohol (while pretending )
so obviously something in her DNA was badly damaged. Poor Chinggis!

sorur 22-5-2023 17:41 Acceptance +3 Not only she corrected me on my little Korean, she told me she lived in Gangnam. I'm No expert in Korean, but that was ...
prince10 24-5-2023 14:56 Acceptance +1 Excellent
nanozzz 26-10-2023 06:49 Acceptance +1

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